Theme :
Free To Play

Technologies :

Plateforms :
Team :
4 Game Designers and programmers
4 Game Designers
My role in the development
Programming the generation of levels
Gestion du scrolling : création dynamique des patterns pour obtenir un scrolling vertical infini (gif prit depuis unity).
Gestion du scrolling : création dynamique des patterns pour obtenir un scrolling vertical infini (gif prit depuis unity).
Création des patterns en fonction d'une liste de probabilité prédéterminé :  Les probabilités dépendent du niveau choisi et la distance parcourue dans ce niveau pour gérer une difficulté croissante.
Création des patterns en fonction d'une liste de probabilité prédéterminé : Les probabilités dépendent du niveau choisi et la distance parcourue dans ce niveau pour gérer une difficulté croissante.
Niveau simple
Niveau simple
Niveau difficile
Niveau difficile
Defeat situations
Defeat by ball stop
Defeat by ball stop
Defeat by opponent catch
Defeat by opponent catch
Defeat by screen exit
Defeat by screen exit
Developing the effects of collectable objects
We have a total of seven objects/collectables in the game. I took care of five of them.
   - Death Ball: Increases the size of the ball and allows it, during the duration of the bonus, to destroy walls and opponents (duration relative to the bonus improvement).
   - Sicko Mode: Makes the next player who gets the ball after the bonus is recovered sprint forward destroying all obstacles in his way (duration relative to the bonus improvement).
   - Successful Launch: At the beginning of the game, allows to send the ball directly to a certain distance (distance relative to the bonus improvement).
   - Magnet: All the pieces are attracted to the player (duration relative to the improvement of the bonus).
   - Shield : During the duration of the bonus, grants a shield which allows to destroy an opponent if he contacts it (duration relative to the improvement of the bonus).
Death Ball
Death Ball
Successful Launch
Successful Launch
Sicko Mode
Sicko Mode
First Time User Experience
First Time User Experience
Preview of the trajectory
Preview of the trajectory
Juiciness :
Participation in the work on particles, management of vibrations on Android, creation of a screenshake...

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